martes, 27 de mayo de 2014

5 nice apps about Maths

It is a post about some nice apps that I've found. All of them are for Android and I hope you like it:

1. Wolfram Alpha: It is an app that gives you information about whatever you want, specially in Mahts. It can solve equations and other Maths problems.
You can download it here

2. Real Calc: It is a very nice scientific calculator for mobile phones. It is like a real scientific calculator and it can transform different units (for example meters-centimeters).
You can download it here


3. Smart Ruler: It is an app which contains a ruler and an angle protractor. You can measure an angle with the camera of your mobile phone.
You can download it here.

4. Smart Meausres: You can measure distances, height, width and areas with this app. It works with the Tales' Theorem.
You can download it here

 5. Geometry Pad: It is a very useful app to draw geometrical thing, take them measures, etc.
You can download it here

All of that images are taken from my devices (a tablet and a mobile phone)

domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014

Official app of our blog

Here you can download the app of this blog. Also in this app you can go to the eTwinning Space and to a live chat.At the moment it's only available for Android, but you can use it in your computer clicking where is written "View HTML5 App"
You can download it clicking here
I hope you like it

New Updates

- Access to Youtube's videos
- Access to Facebook project group
- Access to the documents of the Spanish meeting

sábado, 17 de mayo de 2014

Witch of Agnesi

The commemoration of the birth of Maria Gaetana Agnesi was yesterday. We have wanted to tribute her doing her famous Witch of Agnesi in Geogebra.

miércoles, 7 de mayo de 2014

Some pictures of our meeting in Belgium_ April 2014

In Merchtem

At the Future Classroom Lab.

In Brussels

In Bruges

Functions with Geogebra in New York

Functions with Geogebra in New York City 
This work have been done in Maths with the students from 4ºESOA at IES Schamann, as a part of our booth in the CLIL exhibition held in Vecindario, Gran Canaria, on 6th/05/2014

NYcity_Functions and geogebra ppt